| Oklahoma State University
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› plymouth-rock-chickens
are a good general farm . They are docile, while showing some broodiness. They possess a long, broad back and a moderately deep, full breast. They have a single comb of moderate size. Some strains are good layers while others are bred principally for meat. They usually make good mothers.
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LEARN MORE: breeds.okstate.edu
SOURCE: Farmer & Cowboy Magazine
NOTE: Understanding Plymouth Rock chickens helps farmers optimize their care and management, ensuring healthy and productive birds. Knowledge of housing, nutrition, health management, and predator protection is crucial for maintaining a successful poultry operation. Additionally, leveraging the dual-purpose nature of Plymouth Rock chickens can create additional revenue streams through egg and meat production. By utilizing these insights, farmers can improve their profitability, meet market demands, and contribute to a resilient agricultural sector.
Originally posted 2020-08-24 05:44:20.